Good morning from Dubai…..I just got in and am jet lagged!
For those that are new here (or don’t know) I launched my hedge fund in 2020 and last year we opened the RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) so that we could take on accounts outside of the Limited Partnership - so I am traveling here in the UAE and back to Zurich for meetings to meet clients and asset raise.
I spent the day yesterday in Zurich before arriving here in the UAE and picked up some of my favorite Partagas cigars and had some some to check out a local Cigar lounge.

Aside from it being cold (reminds of me of Vancouver, BC) it’s a great place and being as it that I don’t like being around a lot of people it was better!
I’ll be trying to catch up on some earnings reports this AM here and maybe a nap since the markets don’t open until 4pm here.
EL 0.00%↑ reported yesterday and that name has been on my radar plus HSY 0.00%↑ which I took a starter position in reports this week as well - the bad news seems. priced in on them and the Cocoa situation is something I am watching closely.
In fact it’s down after hours and that’s a plus because it’s just getting cheaper and when most people puke things up is when we buy then then when they’re up +30%-50% and become the talk of the town we’re selling it to them.
For those that watch the weekly podcast/article I talk about ideas and I get that everyone for the most part trades momentum ( PTON 0.00%↑ TSLA 0.00%↑ AMZN 0.00%↑ ) etc. but there are 1 and 2 baggers out there in the world and very few actually care to look which makes it better for us.
Ag stocks might just get it going here this month and I’ll update that on this weeks podcast - if you don’t listen subscribe here.
Anyway, I am off to hit this gym up here at this hotel then do what any healthy person does after; head to the Cigar lounge near the Burj Kalifa and light up a stick, get a coffee and start digging into the latest earnings reports.
I’ll be updating a lot on this blog this month so pass it to your friends.