Hello From Kauai & New Episode of The LongVol Show
Good evening from the North Shore of Kauai, Hawaii.
I’m here for a week, maybe two, visiting one of my closest friends since high school - getting some running in, sight seeing and maybe some diving.
It’s still to early in the season to surf but only my second day here and it’s probably in my top 5 spots in the world I’ve been to.
I haven’t been running too much lately but I got 5 miles in this morning and plan to keep that up the next week, or whenever I decide to leave.
Just look at the views….
It has the same feel as being on the island in Puerto Rico - it’s away from the daily rush, the traffic and the general nonsense of the mainland that, to be honest, I am generally just over.
I’m sitting here on the patio of this house as I write this and the noise is just non-existent and there’s something to be said for that.
There seems to be a large disconnect of reality and expectations today in the business world at large. I am seeing so many ads anymore from business coaching gurus, real estate flippers…you name it. Everyone seems to have the answer…but, to me they’re just disconnected from reality.
Everyone is running around fueling this seemingly booming economy, each person, bullshitting the next as if it’s all good.
The fact is this: it’s not all good.
That above does not and will not work and if I have to hear one more real estate agent, wanna be real estate pro or 18 year old guru said you can ‘refinance it later’ I am going to lose it. This is not the free money, ZIRP era of 2020 anymore, the winds have changed.
But see, they have to feed into the narrative because they depend on the narrative to make it all work and I have to say this; the great thing about being an independent investor and money manager is I answer to myself and my clients. It gives me the ability to tell it how it is because there’s no ESG policies, corporate guidelines or employees to appease. The only thing we answer to is profits and I love that.
But….most don’t and they are stuck in a constant conflict of interest.
I call this era “The Bullshitter economy” and it’s not just the retail consumers who are part of it, it’s the global governments as well.
But (and I hope that I am wrong) I do think we’re in the beginning innings of a slowdown ahead. And yea, last week my contention is bad news is good news, it still is…..but the pinch is coming and we have to take our medicine because we’re about to experience the hangover from 2020 and failed monetary policies.
This is a big topic on this weeks show below - specifically, the high end retail/luxury goods space which is likely to be in trouble very soon - along with housing.
Enjoy the show, send me your thoughts and if you want to be featured on the AMA portion of the show next week drop me a line.
Enjoy your Sunday and enjoy the Kaui spam photos if you follow me on social media.
The October Investing Mastermind registration is here.
You can also get 15 days free to my weekly LongVol report here.
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