Yappers. They’re everywhere. Twitter, YouTube, Podcasts your group texts, the 15 Discords you’re in at once.
I mean, I have Yappers around me too, but I put them on silent and tune them out because they provide:
0 idea generation, 0 P&L and 99% chance of them wasting my time.
Let me start with an example that we all know about: MSTR 0.00%↑ - it’s been the talk off Twitter and any article the last few days.
You have people pretending to be analysts investing in it when they’re really just gamblers hoping for a big win so they can avoid what 90% of you want to do: actual work.
Instead of generating long/short ideas they want to yap. They want to chase the next shiny object aimlessly like a proper NPC because other NPCs are yapping about it.
That stock doesn’t matter, it only matters to the NPCs who can’t think for themselves or who wander aimlessly around in this business (I called it dogs chasing cars in this post here) without a clue of what they want, what they’re after or what they’re doing.
Will analyzing that stock make you returns? Probably not. Will spending 4-5 hours debating it generate returns? Probably not.
Then what does it matter? It only matters to the Yappers and the NPCs.
It’s the same thing I say when people ask me about CVNA 0.00%↑ again - what difference does it make anymore if it goes BK or is a fraud? Do you get a medal for calling it? I called it once and let me tell you there was no medal - just P&L, which is all that matters.
I even had a guy last night at the Cigar shop tell me MSNBC was worth zero. Zero dollars and I asked him if he was serious or just being hyperbolic.
He said he was serious….and of course, I agreed with him - he spent over 3 decades as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs and has done thousands of deals.
Except it he didn’t. But, he wanted to Yap - and I hate being around people like that.
The point is folks, if you don’t tune out the noise around you or if you surround yourself with people who waste your time you’ll become just like them.
So, you have a choice.
Ignore the yapping and generate P&L or spend another year on the hamster wheel.
We have one issue left of The LongVol Report coming out next Sunday and there will be no article of the week.
You can listen/watch last weeks article here.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving and the break.