Who is The LongVol?

The LongVol was originally created in 2020 as a private investment group for ex-wall Street analysts, traders, and portfolio managers. 

Today, there are two memberships and sites.

The one you’re on here is for active/short-term trading and then TheLongVol.com is focused more on research, macro, swing-trading and investing.

The weekly LongVol Report PDF is the flagship product and covers 4 Stock Monitors & includes an alert service that issues 2-5 DITM (Deep in the Money Call/Put) trades per month. Get a free 21-day trial here.

Keep reading to see the strategies, what’s covered, performance and testimonials below.

Why Subscribe?

  • Coverage on SP500, Nasdaq & Crude Oil Futures

  • Coverage on 8-12 Momentum Stocks Each Week

  • A Sunday Video Report Covering an Outlook & Actionable Setups

  • Nightly Market Video Covering Trades & Setups for The Next Day

  • Access to Educational Material Covering: Psychology, Price Action, Order Flow, Portfolio Management, Options Education and more.

How Can LongVol Digital Help YOU!?

There’s a lot of paths to choose from but as I see it, for most traders/investors the MOST DIRECT and accessible one is short-term trading with futures, options and momentum. I started my career in 2009 at a firm trading index and energy futures and have been trading options directionally for 15 years now. So, I know that it works but I also know that most retail/beginners get caught in one BIG problem: information overload, and I can fix that for you.

How do I know that? In 2014 I left the hedge fund I was at to start an educational company and for 6 years, before selling it, all me and my coaches did was work with retail investors who were: lost, trading with smaller portfolios and just not making money. It’s a painful and frustrating experience so I understand where most of you might be coming from but if you subscribe and give it time you WILL see progress.

You need simplicity and a framework. That is why this strategy/site ONLY focuses on momentum, futures and options trading. We’re not chasing M&A, options flow or worrying about market tops: we’re trading setups, price action and order flow. This framework is still 1 of 4 that I use today, 10 years later as part of my overall portfolio approach.

Let me show you proof: This is a video from 2015 when I had the education company, that trade below, the framework, concept and mentality is the same I run today and the same insights you’ll get as a member. I’m not one of these faceless Twitter accounts, someone who made a little money getting lucky or someone who just regurgitates information after spending a month on YouTube.

Again, I am NOT giving you trade alerts (entry, exit etc) - I am giving you analysis and flagging things that could play out. How you choose to execute on that is entirely up to you - so if that is what you expect please DO NOT join.

If you want Swing Trade Alerts and a full research report that covers investing, special situations and other strategies then please read about The LongVol Report Membership - it also INCLUDES this digital membership. You get access to the full weekly PDF report and 4 stock monitors covering over +50 tickers meant for more than just short-term trading.

Also, you should subscribe because this is real - it’s not some faceless Twitter account pretending to be a trader or another “service” filled with degenerates trying to bet on ODTE options that they may or may no make money on. It’s been a real framework and mental model for over a decade that has worked for me and thousands of others.

Below is a clip from the “Small Account Tactics 2.0” options training showing P&L, that’s $334K from a $50K account in 18 months. I know today, with ODTE and weeklies where people just gamble that might not seem like a lot but if it is to you and you want to build a framework the right way then that’s another reason to join.

Again, let me be clear - I am NOT telling you that you are going to get these exact results: What I am saying is that this works and if you can stick around for 3-months you’ll gain perspective and find results. I do this year after year as part of a larger portfolio of strategies, this is just one of them so you’re gaining access to trade setups, analysis and education on Futures, Options and momentum ideas each week.

If that still is not enough, then watch these videos from current members (some over 7+ years who still are around after I sold the original company)

To wrap this up, you’re gaining access to real idea generation and clear analysis from someone that has done this for over 15 years, helped thousands of people to build a foundational framework. Each Sunday you’ll get the video report discussing the SP500, Nasdaq and WTI Crude then we’ll go into 8-12 stocks and the setups and analysis. Then, Mon-Thursday night you’ll get a video to discuss trades and insights for the next day.

The cost? $89/month or $795/year - this is the most asymmetric trade you can make!


*If you want access to the AST Swing Alerts, The LongVol Report & 4 Stock Monitors Tracking over 50 stocks a week then you can start a 21-day free trial - this includes The LongVol Digital Membership with it!


Or if you’re not ready yet you can listen in free each week on my show where I talk markets and go over analysis on companies we’re tracking in the report.


I’ve traded the markets for a long time, and this is probably one of top market analysts that I have ever come across. The insights that Dan provides make you think but better he’s to the point and that by itself is a breath of fresh air. I’ve made a lot of mistakes from my risk management to stock selection and reading his weekly market note has also helped me to be better with that. I am thrilled with the report and hope to be a member for a long time. - Ben W., Colorado

I’ve been more of a value investor throughout the last decade until I found the report and I can tell you that it’s changed how I look at the markets entirely. Dan has the ability to make you look at the market from different angles to see where the money flow will go and as he says “to not be a retail NPC! lol!” I appreciate the pragmatic approach the report has and the patience to wait on an idea to give a trigger to get in which is new for me being mostly fundamental, but it has worked. To sum up, if you are a value investor like me there is value in the report and just hearing his thoughts on the market and the approach to generating endless ideas is amazing to witness because each have thorough reasoning and he rarely seems to miss with the market-timing piece of the research either. - Frank C., Paradise Valley, AZ

One of the best rooms and services I have found. No nonsense approach to market analysis and trading. If you have questions, you can ask and the things you will learn are incredible plus it’s a fun group to be around. Dan is very direct so you can get the hard questions answered so you don’t make mistakes which is what I personally needed to stay focused and on track to managing my account. Do yourself a favor and subscribe but be ready to actually trade because this is nothing like you will experience. -

Hey Dan, I really appreciate the insight into your thought process and risk controls that you use so well. It’s helped me a lot to stay grounded and calm during periods where the markets get volatile or when I don’t understand a certain situation so reading your daily market recap has helped.

Dan, I wanted to start by thanking you for all your hard work. I know this takes a lot of time and between your traveling and managing your fund and I know you can’t have a lot of time to do these videos week after week.  So, thank you again, the service is great and has helped tremendously.

Thank you for what you are doing. I enjoy your pragmatic discussion and insights that you bring each week. You are just straight-to-the point and that is what I really like. It’s been a refreshing way to invest because you make it very clear and explain it well. Thank you once again for giving back and as you mention so much helping me to not be a retail NPC! It has helped me to take profits when otherwise the old me would have been greedy and it’s also helped me to size my trades better as I listen to your nightly video recaps which are filled with gems!

Dan, dropping you a note as you asked. First off, the report is incredible, and your insights are great. Admittedly, it took me a while to really pay attention to them like I should have been primarily because I’ve had so many that my expectations were low but listening to your nightly videos something clicked for me. Your no bullshit approach to making money in the markets is the best and your jokes about retail NPCs are hilarious! You really have a gift for this, and I know that it comes from years of working at it but very grateful to have stumbled upon this! Dave W., -

You are an absolute warlock when it comes to technical and I don’t know how you do it time and time again but it’s amazing! I’ve listened to you for years on YouTube and never really understood your rationale behind certain ideas but now that I see your reprot it makes more sense. Keep doing what you do because I need it! -


Business Insider – The CIO of a Hedge Fund is betting housing will drop 15-20%.

Fox Business – Warren Buffet buys DR Horton – Comments on housing likely trading lower.

US World News – Comments on Energy Markets and Oil/Gas Stocks

Bustamante & Co. Leads $1.5mm Series A for Becky Personality Juice

Business Journal – Bustamante & Co. leads post-bankruptcy turnaround of Jack Grace Golf in Tempe, Arizona.

Hedge Fund makes nearly $1mm betting against the fall of Carvana.

Subscribe to The LongVol Report

The LongVol is a platform for market insights, analysis and research for investors, hedge funds and individual traders to use. The digital subscription and AST Alerts Portfolio offer free trials for new users.


Trading the markets for way too long.